October 2011 Reiki Class

Reiki is a Japanese energy working technique to promote healing by sending reiki energy through your hands to a person, animal or plant. The ability to send reiki energy is given by a teacher, Reiki Master, to a student through attunements. During the attunement I will attune your energy to the reiki energy. After a Reiki I attunement you can send reiki to another directly through touch. After a Reiki II attunement you can use sacred reiki symbols to send reiki to another over long distance.

Saturday October 22nd and Sunday October 23rd there will be Reiki I & II classes offered in Waco, Tx. The cost is $200 which will include both all-day classes, manuals through the International Center for Reiki Training, certificates, water and snacks. Both days will have a one hour lunch break. If you've already taken Reiki I through another teacher you're welcome to take only the Reiki II class for $125. For more information email Usui Reiki Master Tiffany Maely at Tiffany.Maely@hotmail.com.

These classes can be used for 1.5 continuing education units
for massage therapists.

I am a Usui Reiki Master and member of the International Center for Reiki Training. As such I use their training manuals and adhere to their code of ethics. For more information about the ICRT, please visit them at Reiki.org

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