Facebook page "Women Witches"

As paganism once again booms around the world, more and more men are being drawn back to Goddess worship. The rivalry between male Wiccans and female Wiccans began when Gerald Gardner with Doreen Valiente founded the Gardnerian tradition and Zsuzsanna Budapest founded the Dianic tradition - the Gardnerians focus on both the God and Goddess, but founded by a man make some women uncomfortable; the Dianics focus on the Goddess and exclude the God with such vehemence that they've earned a reputation for hating men.

Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente and Z Budapest have all been phenomenal instruments of the Goddess to bring hope, healing and empowerment back to women, myself included. Unfortunately, through rediscovering that they are powerful and in control of themselves, many women have come to believe that this rebalance of power can only occur if all divinity and power is stripped from their male counterparts. Yes, counterparts.

Unfortunately the truely ironic thing is that a lot of people who become Wiccan do so to leave Christianity because Christianity has institutionally stripped the divinity from women over centuries and continues to do so. To separate one gender from their divinity is a horrendous act of degradation that has happened in Christianity and now some push for it to happen in Wicca, which is a religion meant to heal and restore natural balance.

This is a horrible imbalance which only harms. A person, regardless of gender, is a child of the Goddess and can connect and be empowered by Her. Groups such as the Facebook page "Women Witches" serve only to convince women that all men are patriarchal pigs who hate and degrade women. While some men may be this way, the evil acts of a few do not dictate the behavior of millions. The same is true of women. There are some horrible women who are abusive and demoralizing to everyone around them coining stereotypes, but the evil acts of a few do not dictate the behavior of millions. For every chauvinist, there is a gentleman. For every bitch, there is a lady.

A wise witch will seek to discover their own inner power,
their own inert ability to create and destroy, to nourish and to protect,
the God and the Goddess.

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