Why Do Spells Work?

Some claim that by standing before a candle and reciting words they can change how their boss sees them or stop someone from gossiping about them. Sound like mumbo-jumbo? Well, if they don't know how to raise, direct and control energy, it is. Saying "magical" words on a dark night by candle light doesn't make one a witch, and it won't make a spell work. There is a lot that goes into spellcraft that is, to some, surprisingly quantum physics based.

The theory of quantum entanglement is that two objects can become "entangled". When one of their states is altered, the other's state is altered, even if they're nowhere near each other. This is the basis for correspondences - actions in the universe being symbolized by colors, words, numbers, etc in magick. 

A witch practices and trains to learn to attune to energies, like the vibration of a red rose, and amplify that energy. They then direct this controlled energy to a willed purpose, such as amplifying the vibration of the red rose that corresponds to passion, then directing this "passion" energy to attracting a lover.

So a spell done by a novice who is only dabbling probably won't work - might as well just pray. A spell done by someone who can sense energy, is attuned with themselves, and who is attuned with nature has a high probability of working.

Spells work because witches know how to amplify, manipulate, and control energy through the use of correspondences to change the universe - they use quantum physics as naturally as balance when dancing. You don't have to understand quantum physics to be a witch and have your spells work, but it does make gaining the confidence in yourself to do a spell a lot easier. Plus for those who think witchcraft is silliness, knowledge of quantum physics can bring a new appreciation for the powers a witch holds.

Witchcraft is a Craft - it is a delicate balance of art and science.


  1. This is so true! Many people don't realize that they need specific intent and have to direct their energy - not just light a candle and let it go with the wind.

    Great article! Thanks!

  2. Thank you for your feedback Eyan! Intent is the most important part of casting a spell. Blessings
