Why Didn't My Spell Work?

Now everyone who has ever tried spells has had them fail from time to time. What causes this? You researched the moon phases, bought the right tools, gathered the perfect herbs and carefully wrote your own spell. You performed it flawlessly, but it still didn't work. Don't worry, this happened to me last month! It doesn't mean you're a horrible spellcaster, it means you have something to learn. What a great opportunity!

The most common reasons spells don't work are:
  • Doubt
  • Rejecting
  • Second Guessing
  • Outside Interference
The solution to each of these is easy, but takes continuous practice and daily discipline:
  • Use the Magickal Mindset - it IS possible!
  • Harness the Law of Attraction
  • Let it go
  • Empower Yourself.
Self-confidence is often the first, and most difficult, obstacle to overcome. If you write a spell and are thinking, "This is crazy, it can't work". Then set up your tools and cast your Circle while thinking, "Why would the universe give this to me?" Then perform the spell while concentrating on, "I don't deserve this", why do you think it would work?? Every step of the way you're broadcasting to the Universe reasons why your spell shouldn't work, why the Universe shouldn't care, and that you don't deserve it.

So remove the obstacle - change your mindset by retraining your brain to the Magickal Mindset. Throughout the day periodically stop and ask yourself, "What was I just thinking?" Recall your last few thoughts. Then ask, "Was that how an effective witch thinks?" If it wasn't, then reword the thought so it is, and then ACT on it. How many times a day do you think "I'm tired" or "I'm lazy"? Picture a powerful witch. Are they tired or lazy? No! They're energetic and strong. Think "I'm energetic" and "I'm powerful." Become aware of what you're thinking and change your thoughts. "Cogito, ergo sum - I think therefore I am" - Descartes

As you change to the Magickal Mindset encourage yourself by harnessing the Law of Attraction. What you put your energy to will be what comes back to you. "Where your attention goes, your energy flows." Human beings are giant magnets emitting electromagnetic waves, often seen and described as an aura. This energy wave acts as a magnet affecting the world around us. If we concentrate on what we want, it will be drawn to us - and vice versa, so be conscious of where you're directing your energy! We can draw things into our lives by visualizing, hearing, smelling, feeling and gratefully accepting anything we desire. This is the basis of spellcraft. For a more in-depth explanation of how to harness the Law of Attraction, check out "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes.

Humans are a unique magnet,  in that we can reverse our polarity in a heartbeat. If you've begun to attract something to you then start thinking "it'll never happen." Well, it won't! You just switched from attracting it to rejecting it. Once you've performed the spell, let it go. The end of a spell is always releasing the energy you've built up out into the universe to do your will, right? Don't yank back what you just did all that work to release! Let it work for you. This is why it is tradition after completing a spell or ritual not to speak about it till the next day, and often to never discuss it.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt. The same is true of your magick. Another person's thoughts, feelings or beliefs can't stop, diminish or alter your spell unless you give them that power. This means two things:
  1. Don't talk about your spell. They can't coax you into doubting yourself if they don't know about it.
  2. Monitor your magick. Routinely cleanse yourself and always shield your spells. As you cast your spell, form a shield of pure confidence around it. No one else's energy is strong enough to break through it - if you believe it, it is so.
If your spell didn't work, be truthful in your review of it. Did you doubt? Did you reject it? Did you second guess? Did you empower others to work against you?

Use the Magickal Mindset, Harness the Law
of Attraction, Let It Go, & Empower Yourself!

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